Edge Computing: The Vital Cog Between Data And The Cloud

Leland Upton


The cloud is changing the way we do business. It’s changing who we work with, how we work, and even how we think about technology. But before that happens in full force, there’s a vital cog that needs to be put into place: edge computing. This article will break down what edge computing is, why it matters for your business or organization, and how you can use it to improve your efficiency and productivity at every level.

The Evolution of Edge Computing

Edge computing is a new technology, but it’s not exactly new to the world. The concept of “edge” refers to data that is processed locally–as close as possible to where it originates or needs to be used. This can take place at any point in the network, from your home router all the way up through data centers and cloud storage systems.

Edge computing has existed since at least 1999 when Microsoft released Windows CE 1.0 on its Pocket PCs for mobile devices like handhelds and smartphones (see Figure 1). Windows CE was designed as an operating system for embedded devices like PDAs; however, its architecture was also suitable for remote control applications like security cameras or drones today. It included many of the same features found in today’s edge computing solutions such as real-time processing capabilities, multi-threading support, memory management capabilities and connectivity options including Wi-Fi 802 11b/g/n along with Bluetooth LE 4

What Is Edge Computing?

Edge computing is a new way of thinking about data processing. It’s not just about moving your data closer to the source of the data, but also making sense of it in real time or near real time. This can help improve security and privacy as well as performance.

One example is video surveillance cameras that capture footage from around an office building or campus, which may be miles away from centralized servers where all those images are stored on hard drives or in the cloud (and thus vulnerable). Instead, those cameras could send their footage directly back to those servers via edge computing–allowing companies to analyze what they see in real time without having all that sensitive information sent over public networks like Wi-Fi or cellular networks.

Why is Edge Computing Important?

Edge computing is the next big thing. It’s important for IoT, artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics and smart cities to name a few.

Edge computing refers to the processing of data at its source as close as possible to where it’s generated. In other words, if you have an IoT device that collects data about your home or business environment–like temperature sensors in rooms or cameras monitoring entrances and exits–that information can be analyzed right away so that it doesn’t needlessly travel across networks before reaching its destination: a cloud server somewhere else on earth!

How to Deploy Edge Computing for Your Business

How to Deploy Edge Computing for Your Business

Edge computing is a relatively new concept, but it’s already gaining traction in the world of technology. The idea behind edge computing is that data processing should happen as close to where the data originates as possible. This allows for faster response times and more efficient use of resources, which makes it ideal for businesses looking to improve their operations. Here are some tips on deploying edge computing solutions within your own organization:

Get ready for a new era of computing with the edge.

Edge computing is the next step in cloud computing. It’s a more efficient way to process data, especially when it comes to IoT devices that need to be able to react quickly and efficiently.

This technology has been around for years, but only recently has become popular with big tech companies like Amazon and Google. The reason? It’s cheaper than building out new centralized servers at their data centers, while still providing users with an acceptable user experience and keeping costs down by distributing their workloads across many different locations (both on-premises and off).


Edge computing is the future of cloud computing, and it’s here to stay. Edge computing will enable businesses to process data faster and more efficiently than ever before. It will also allow users to access their information from anywhere in the world without having to wait for it to be synced up with their devices first. By integrating edge computing into your existing infrastructure or building new solutions from scratch, you’ll be able to maximize your investment in this technology now so that when others follow suit later on down the road–which they inevitably will–your company won’t miss out on opportunities due simply because its competitors were able to implement this technology sooner than expected!

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