What Augmented Reality Is Not

Leland Upton

Introduction There’s a lot of excitement around Augmented Reality (AR) right now, but there are also some misconceptions. In this article, we’ll explore what AR is and what it isn’t so that you can better understand the technology and how it might fit into your next project. Augmented Reality is […]

Top Tools For Augmented Reality

Leland Upton

Introduction Augmented Reality (AR) is a fun way to visualize things in the real world. It’s also a great way to create an immersive game or an interactive experience that you can share with your friends. There are many tools out there that make creating AR easier than ever before, […]

Ten Things You Can’t Do With Augmented Reality

Leland Upton

Introduction Augmented reality is a technology that lets you see and interact with virtual objects in real life. The term “augmented” means “to make something better,” but it’s important to realize that AR can’t make you taller, smarter or stronger—at least not yet anyway! In this article, I’ll give examples […]

Augmented Reality Security & Privacy

Leland Upton

Introduction The future of security and privacy using augmented reality is an exciting one. Our lives are increasingly intertwined with technology, and with this comes new opportunities to explore how we can better protect ourselves from threats like cybercrime or fraud. How Augmented Reality Works Augmented reality is a technology […]

10 Tools For Augmented Reality App Development

Leland Upton

Introduction Augmented reality (AR) is the concept of using digital information and content to enhance your real life experience. It’s a relatively new technology that is changing how we interact with the world around us and it’s becoming more popular by the minute. There are many different ways for developers […]