What Is Augmented Reality? + 4 Examples & Uses

Leland Upton

Introduction Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer generated sensory input such as sound, video and haptic feedback. It’s a way to see objects that aren’t really there, but your brain believes they are. Augmented Reality […]

Best 20 Tools To Design Augmented Reality Games

Leland Upton

Introduction Augmented reality (AR) is experiencing a surge in popularity. It’s the next big thing in gaming, and it’s coming to mobile phones, tablets, and more. The technology has been around for some time now but didn’t really take off until recent years when companies like Google announced their ARCore […]

Polar: A Visual Tool For Collaborative Learning

Leland Upton

Introduction Polar is a visual tool for collaborative learning. Polar allows users to create augmented reality experiences without any coding knowledge. Users can easily draw, import graphics and videos, collaborate through a shared canvas, or view other people’s work. Polar also allows users to customize their own AR scenes with […]

Enhancing Learning With Augmented Reality

Leland Upton

Introduction Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that creates and overlays an interactive computer-generated experience on top of the user’s natural environment. The resulting effects are similar to those seen in virtual reality, but with different levels of immersion and interaction. The importance of having an interactive component for applications […]

6 Augmented Reality Apps That Are F

Leland Upton

Introduction The augmented reality app market is growing at a rapid pace. This is because AR is being used in more and more everyday situations. From finding furniture in your home, to trying out make up on yourself before buying it, there are lots of ways you can use AR […]

What Augmented Reality Wont Do For You Or Me

Leland Upton

Introduction Augmented reality has been in the news a lot recently, and for good reason. It’s a technology that promises to change the way we interact with our world. The first commercial AR headsets started shipping this year, too, so there are more people experimenting with it than ever before. […]

Augmented Reality Is A False God

Leland Upton

Introduction We’ve been promised augmented reality since the mid-1990s. We watched it evolve from a promising but imperfect technology into what it is today: a buzzword that’s ultimately more distracting than useful. The latest generation of smartphones can’t support AR, and we wouldn’t want them to anyway because they’re too […]