Introduction When it comes to tokenization, the terms “token” and “tokenization” get thrown around a lot. But what do they mean? In this guide, we’ll explain exactly what tokenization is and how it works. We’ll also go through the steps of how to tokenize your business model in order to […]
How To Prepare Data For Analysis
Introduction Data is everywhere, but it’s not always ready for analysis. Data preparation is the first step in any analytics project, and it can be challenging if you don’t know what you’re doing. This guide will show you how to prepare your data so that it can be analyzed easily. […]
Cryptography: Hashing, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency
Introduction Hashing is a cryptographic process that converts data of any length into a fixed-length hash value. Hashing is used in many applications, such as storing passwords and securing networks. Learn more about hashing and its many uses by reading this article! What is hashing and how does it work? […]
Big Data Applications In Real Life: Updated And Explained
Introduction Big Data is everywhere. It’s the buzzword of our time, and it’s not going away anytime soon. The question we want to answer is what exactly is big data? And why should we care? Big Data refers to data that is so large in size that it cannot be […]
Blockchain: An Equine Finance Alternative
Introduction Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) on which data can be recorded securely and traded via a peer-to-peer network. The technology was first conceptualized in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto, an individual or group of individuals who created the digital currency Bitcoin. Currently, there are two primary types of […]
Removing The Middleman With Edge Computing
Introduction With the advent of autonomous vehicles, there is an increasing need for more data-driven insights that can be used to improve the driving experience and make roads safer. However, Edge Computing, Latency Reduction gathering data in real time from sensors on vehicles is a challenge that many developers have […]
How To Prepare Data For Analytics
Introduction Data preparation is the most time-consuming stage in analytics. You need to clean and filter your data, or else it will be unusable for any kind of analysis. This article will show you how to prepare your data for analytics so that you can start making informed business decisions. […]
Unsupervised Learning: How AI Can Offer Insights Into Patterns We Can’t Spot By
Introduction Unsupervised learning is a form of machine learning that doesn’t require a training set, but instead allows the data to guide its own approach. Unsupervised learning is used to identify patterns in large data sets. Some examples of unsupervised learning include finding similarities between people or identifying objects in […]
How to make your Blockchain Super-Scalable
Introduction If you’re building a blockchain app, chances are you have performance and scalability issues. To make matters worse, there are dozens of consensus mechanisms out there and each one has pros and cons (as do different blockchains). The good news is that as with any other technology, there are […]
Why Data Storage And Analytics Could Be The New Oil
Introduction There’s a lot of talk about the cloud today, and for good reason: It is rapidly transforming the way businesses operate. But though it’s clear that cloud technology can have a significant impact on your business, one question looms large: What do you need to know about data storage […]